Sunday, October 4, 2015

Forgiveness Where There is No Forgiveness

In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they explain how to deal with a situation where you have attempted to make amends for a wrong that you have committed but the other party does not wish to give forgiveness to you.

Questioner: The subject of forgiveness. If you have wronged someone and you have made reparations for it, your wrong to that person, and that person has not forgiven you, are you still held to that, even though you have forgiven yourself?

The Council: If you in total honesty and truthfulness have made restitution to that person to the best of your ability, without, again, there are some situations where a person who has been wronged will never feel they have had enough restitution made to them.

But if you have justly made restitution to that individual and they refuse to forgive you, that is their problem, not yours. You must be concerned with how honest were you in making your restitution. How much did you try sincerely to make reparations for?

You have got to remember, you would have had to first forgive yourself in order to be able to say you did wrong and then try to make restitution for it. Again, we are talking about true, sincere restitution, not a superficial act, that is pacifying and only pacifying. 

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